Saturday, February 27, 2010

Giveaway Time!!!

Become a fan on Facebook
& you will be entered to
win our 
when we reach 350 fans!
So come on over
invite your friends!!
Good Luck!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Prissy Plates are new to the Shop!

We are so happy to be carrying Prissy Plates at Tiny Tulip!
They are the CUTEST dishes & add a little southern charm
to your kitchen or dining room.
 are perfect for salads & fruits
or for holding beautiful decorations on your coffee table too!
And my personal favorite, the Cake Platter that flips over
& becomes a 
Chips & Dip platter!!
Love it!
So head on over & check them out
as well as some other great new monogrammed kitchen items
in the shop!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Belated....isn't everything that I do belated?!?
Hope that you all had a great one,
we did.
Family time at home, it is the best!

Here is a picture of the Oreo Suckers that we did for Abbey's
Valentine's Party at school.
They were a big hit!
We got the idea from How does she...
a great blog that I have been reading.
And we printed out the
cards from living locurto.

Pretty cute, huh?
We thought so!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My Sweet Husband

My husband is so sweet.
And let's face it, on a regular basis, he gets no cred.

But at the end of last week I was sick & feeling really yucky. 
He came home with these. 
Love them.
Love him.

And of course, I immediately cut them stems, mixed the water & little stay fresh pack
& put them in there new home, my Monogrammed French Bucket.
I can't get enough of it!
It will be on the website, the NEW website very soon!

Thanks for being a great husband honey, you get lots of credit for this one!!